CrossFit 5000 – CrossFit
Min 1: 30 single skips
Min 2: 7 squat thrusts
Min 3: 40 single skips
Min 4: 8 squat thrusts
Min 5: 30 double unders
Min 6: 8 burpees
Min 7: 40 double Unders
Min 8: 10 burpees
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Dumbbell/Kettlebell WOD
25min AMRAP:
Rounds for round with a virtual Partner:
8 Split Jumps ( 6 per side)
12 DB/KB Snatches ( 6 per side)
15 Air Squats
*Either through instagram or facebook or even zoom or another video platform. Your partner does one complete round, then tags you virtually then you go. Back and forth for 25 mins.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Barbell WOD
25min AMRAP:
Rounds for round with a virtual Partner:
8 Power Cleans
12 Split jumps ( 6 per side)
15 Air Squats
*Either through instagram or facebook or even zoom or another video platform. Your partner does one complete round, then tags you virtually then you go. Back and forth for 25 mins.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Bodyweight WOD
25min AMRAP:
Rounds for round with a virtual Partner:
8 Push ups
12 Split jumps ( 6 per side)
15 Air Squats
*Either through instagram or facebook or even zoom or another video platform. Your partner does one complete round, then tags you virtually then you go. Back and forth for 25 mins.
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