CrossFit 5000 – CrossFit
Complete 2 Rounds:
2mins Skipping/ Row/Bike/ Run
10x Push Up Shoulder Tap each side
10x Standing Pass Through with PVC, broomstick, band or towel.
Core/Back Work
6 Rounds
15 Sit-Ups
30 sec Front Plank on elbows
Calf Conditioning
2 Feet Hoping
4 Rounds
20 seconds on 10 seconds off.
Complete 3 rounds and rest 30-45sec between each set,
Inchworm then 5 walks each direction, hold 3 sec hollow each rep
Side Plank on the either the elbow or palm of your hand for 10-15 sec/side
Extended Crab Hold, for 10-15 sec
Push Press
Complete 5 sets of 5 reps of Push Press.
Complete 5 sets of 12- 15 Push Press with KB/DB each side.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 7mins
50m S/A overhead carry each side (use KB or DB)
10 Push-Ups
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