CrossFit 5000 – CrossFit
4mins Running, rowing or bike. Single skip if needed
2 rounds of:
15 Glute bridge ups
15 Shoulder circles forward
15 Shoulder cricles backward
1 Free standing kick up (optional if you have the confidence to try where you are)
2 rounds:
10 Russian Baby makers
10m Bear Crawl
10m Duck Walk
3 Rounds. Not for time.
• Thoracic Extension Rotation: x 5 each arm
• Yoga Push Up:
• Squat with Arm Raises x 5 per arm:
• 1 Arm Shoulder Press x 10 per arm (Video )
3 Rounds (rest 45-90 sec between movements)
1) Sliding Feet Plank w/ Plank Hold) x 30 sec hold
2) Seated single leg straddle ups x 8/per leg
3),Quadruped single leg tuck to extension x 10/per leg
Front Squat
In 10 minutes build to 1 heavy Rep Front Squat then…
Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes:
1 rep @ 90% of what you hit today
Metcon (3 Rounds for time)
Equipment WOD
For time:
30 Front Squats 40/30kg
20 Push Press
10 Thrusters
Rest 2 minutes and repeat 2 more times.
*goal is to push the pace on every round. Each round should be slightly slower than the run previous.
Metcon (3 Rounds for time)
No Equipment WOD
For time:
800m Run
Rest 2 minutes and repeat 2 more times
*goal is to push the pace on every round. Each round should be slightly slower than the run previous.
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