CrossFit 5000 – CrossFit
2 rounds For time: 10 minute time cap
:60 Skipping
10 Mountain Climbers
20 Deadbugs
2 rounds:
10 Reverse lunges with 4 second negative
:30 sec Lizard Stretch
3 Rounds. Rest :60-:90 seconds in between movements
1) 180 Degree Box Walk
2) Inch Worm side walks x 5 reps
3) 15 hollow rocks
3 rounds for Quality
– Hamstring curls with DB, med ball, band x 15 reps
– :30 second Side Plank on hand per side
– 12 Bodyweight Kossack Lunges
– 10m Crab Walk
Back Squat
Option 1:
In 12 minutes build up to a heavy set of 5-12 reps depennding on what weights you have at home. And what you can lift behind your head. NO DROPPING WEIGHTS! Get crafty in lowering the bar back down.
Option 2:
Odd-Object Squats
12 minutes to build to a Heavy Squat between 5-12 reps. This time we are looking to hold the Odd-Object on one shoulder for half the reps and then on the other shoulder for the other half. Have fun with this but keep the form, knees out, chest up and tight core!
Metcon (Time)
Equipment WOD
For time:
60 Overhead DB/KB Alternating Lunges
50 Double unders
40 Overhead DB/KB Lunges
50 Double Unders
20 Overhead DB/KB Lunges
50 Doubles Unders
Metcon (Time)
No Equipment WOD
For Time:
60 Mountain Climbers
15 V-ups
40 Mountain Climbers
15 V-ups
20 Mountain Climbers
15 V-ups
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