October 22, 2020
CrossFit 5000 – CrossFit Skills
1) 5 Sets
Handstand Hold (stomach to wall)
5 x 30-60 sec hold for quality
2) collect 10 FREESTANDING kick ups
For quality
3) collect 10 kick ups adding a hold
3 Rounds rest 30 sec
1) Back Lever Stretch and Hold with Band
6-8 Reps **5 sec hold in both top and bottom positions
2) Ball Up with Tempo Descent
3 Reps **lower as slow as possible each rep
At the top of every 2 minutes x 5 sets, collect 15 sec hold/side during rest
1) Tuck to L-sit
3-5 reps **3 sec tuck, 3 sec L-sit hold each rep, break up set if needed
2) Scale Hold
15 sec/side **complete during rest period
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