September 9, 2021
CrossFit 5000 – CrossFit Skills
3 rounds of:
A) Prone Elbow Extension Slide and Lift Off x 5 Reps x 2
B) Ring swing towel drill (small range) x 4-6 Reps
C) Pause Dips
3 single reps with comfortable 3-5 sec pause each rep
the goal is to warm up but not burn out, so adjust the reps if needed
D) Muscle Up Control and Strength – Band Assisted Muscle Up Transition In Sitting
3 Reps x 3 sets
3-5 good attempts at kipping Muscle ups
1-2 attempts for max quality hold PER SIDE
A) Straddled Side Plank
*Knees and elbows must be locked out entire set
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