March 19, 2022
CrossFit 5000 – CrossFit Skills
Ring Muscle up-Practice
3 Sets
Tall Kneeling Band Transition Drill X 5 Reps
Rest :60 sec -:120 secs in between sets
3 sets
Ring Turn Over Drill
5 Reps w/5 sec lowering of each rep
Rest :60-:90 secs in between sets
3 sets
A) Ring Pull Ups (Pause) x 3 Reps
**5 sec pause at the top of each rep, beak up set if needed
B) Ring Support Holds x 10 sec hold for quality
C) Ring Dips with Tempo Descent X 3 Reps
**7-10 sec lowering each rep ONLY PERFORM NEGATIVE
False Grip (Rings) x 8-15 sec hang
**hold onto lacrosse balls only if needed to maintain the false grip
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