CrossFit 5000 – CrossFit Skills
2 Rounds
A) Weighted Broomstick pass through x 5 reps
B) Crab Walks x 4-6 steps forward, 4-6 steps back
C) Bar Kip Swings x 10 Reps
3 Sets
A) Kipping Pull Up with Pause x 3 Reps
-3 sec pause at the top of each rep
B) RD 1: Crossover Lunge
RD2 & 3: Hip Sequence x 20 sec hold each position (Front, side, Ham, Quad)
3 Sets (Rest as needed)
A) Candlestick Roll to Pistol x 3-5/side
Scale by rolling off of an elevated soft surface.
*The more limited your bottom pistol position is, the higher the surface will need to be
B) Strict HSPU (Back to Wall) x 2-5 Reps
Scale to 1-2 negative reps 7-10 sec lowering each rep
3 Rounds (no rest b/t stretches)
A) Active side split holds x 30 sec/side
B) V-Sit Stretch w/ Wall x 30 sec hold
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