CrossFit 5000 – CrossFit
2mins of Skipping
10m Crab Walks
10m Duck Walks
10m Bear Crawl – Forward
10m Bear Crawl-Backwards
2mins of Skipping
10 Hindu Push ups
10 Clams per side
10 Groiners
3 sets:
a) Seated single leg pike ups x10 per leg
b) Arch Ups x 15-20 Reps
rest :45-:90 seconds in between movements
3 rounds:
1) 5 sumo inch worms
2) 10 push up shoulder tap
3) 10 alternating kossacks
4) 10 standing shoulder pass throughs
1) Clean –
1 set of 3 reps @ 75%
4 sets of 2 reps @ 80%
2) Jerk Behind Neck –
1 set of 2 reps @ 75%
4 sets of 2 reps @ 80%
3) Snatch Pull –
4 sets of 3 reps @ 100% (of snatch)
4) Back Squat –
5 sets of 2 reps @ 70%
Metcon (2 Rounds for time)
Equipment WOD
For Time:
20 Hang Dumbbell Snatches or KB Snatches
20 Lateral Burpees over the Dumbbell or Kettlebell
10 Hang Dumbbell Snatches or KB Snatches
10 Lateral Burpees over the Dumbbell or Kettlebell
rest 5 minutes then…
3 rounds for Time:
10 DB or KB Snatches
10 Lateral Burpees over the DB or KB
Metcon (2 Rounds for time)
No Equipment WOD
For Time:
Run 800m
50 Air Squats
Run 400m
40 Air Squats
Rest 5 minutes…
3 Rounds for time:
4oom Run
30 Air Squats
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