Whatever your fitness goal is in life, know that we at CrossFit 5000 welcome and cater for everyone, regardless of fitness level.

0424 319 887

2/12 McGowan St, Pooraka 5095

Building Fitness For Life

May 2024

CrossFit – Wed, May 8

CrossFit 5000 - CrossFitHandstand holdsIn 7 minutes work on Tripods and Tripod Progressions 8 minutes working HS Hold positionMetcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)12 mins AMRAP: 3 Wall Walks 200m Run Rx: 5 Wall Walks...

Barbell Class – Tue, May 7

CrossFit 5000 - Barbell ClassSnatch10 minutes w/ 2 people 4 Snatch Grip Deadlift with 5 secs Tempo 8mins 2 Snatch lift Off + 2 Snatch Pulls 8 mins 2 Low Hang Snatch Pulls + 2 Snatch Pulls 8mins 2 Low Hang Snatch 10 mins Low Hang Snatch + Snatch...

CrossFit – Tue, May 7

CrossFit 5000 - CrossFitFront SquatEvery 4 minutes for 16 minutes: 6 Front Squats @ 65-70% 6-10 Strict Pull ups 8-10 Straight Leg RaisesMetcon (3 Rounds for reps)3mins ON 3mins OFF x 3 Row 40/30 Cals Max Burpee pull up in time remaining Rx: Burpee Chest to Bar...

CrossFit – Mon, May 6

CrossFit 5000 - CrossFitPush PressEvery 2 minutes for 12 minutes 1 rep @ 95%Metcon (Time)For Time: 20 Strict Press 150m Farmer Carry 30 Push Presses 150m Farmer Carry 40 Push Jerks 150m Farmers Carry Rx:50kg 2x 24kg KB/35kg 2 x 16kg KB...

CrossFit – Sat, May 4

CrossFit 5000 - CrossFitMetcon (Time)Complete the following with a partner for time: 100 Thrusters* While one person does 200/150m Row once they are done switch over 100 Wall Balls* While one person does 25 Sit ups once they are done switch over 100 Pull ups* While one person does 200/150m on...

CrossFit – Fri, May 3

CrossFit 5000 - CrossFitDumbbell SnatchFrom the Hang Every 2 minutes for 12 minutes: Sets of 8,5,5,3,3,3 -build across the setsMetcon (Time)For Time: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 KB Swings Burpees Rx 32/24kg...

CrossFit – Thu, May 2

CrossFit 5000 - CrossFitMetcon (3 Rounds for reps)5 rounds: Min 1: Max Cals on the Assault Bike Min 2: Rest Min 3: Max Burpee box Jump overs Min 4: Rest Min 5: Max Toes to Bar Min 6: Rest Rx= Min 75/60 Cals on the Bike, 40 burpee box Jump overs, 50...

CrossFit – Wed, May 1

CrossFit 5000 - CrossFitClean and JerkIn 15 minutes build up through the following complex 2 Hang Power Cleans + 2 Front Squats + 2 Push JerksMetcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)20min AMRAP 1km Run Buy in- As many rounds and reps as possible in time remaining of 1 Round...