Whatever your fitness goal is in life, know that we at CrossFit 5000 welcome and cater for everyone, regardless of fitness level.

0424 319 887

2/12 McGowan St, Pooraka 5095

Building Fitness For Life

March 2024

CrossFit – Tue, Mar 12

CrossFit 5000 - CrossFitPistolsEvery 2 minutes for 16 minutes (4 sets ea) Station 1: Pistols or Pistol progressions Station 2: Handstand Push ups or ProgressionsMetcon (Time)For Time: 250m Row 15 Kettlebell Swings 25 burpees 15 Kettlebell Swings 250m Row...

CrossFit – Mon, Mar 11

CrossFit 5000 - CrossFitMetcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)In teams or 2 complete the following for as many rounds and reps as possible of Cindy; 800m Run 5 Pull-Ups 10 Push-Ups 15 Air Squats Rx: 1 Rope Climb 20 DB Floor Press 15 DB Squats 2x 22.5/15kg...

CrossFit – Fri, Mar 8

CrossFit 5000 - CrossFitHandstand Push-upsEvery 2:00 for 12 minutes Working on Handstand Push ups Either Pike, Seated Dumbbell Press, HS negatives, HSPU Partial reps, Deficit HSPUMetcon (Time)1 min ON 1min OFF x 5 rds or For Time: 10 Strict Pull ups 50 Double unders 15 Chest to Bars/Pull ups 100 Double...

Barbell Class – Tue, Mar 5

CrossFit 5000 - Barbell ClassSplit JerkEvery : 90 secs for 15 minutes 10 sets 1 power Clean + 2 Split JerkClean and Jerk5 sets of 3 reps of CLean pull @ 90-95% of 1RMMetcon (Weight)3 RDS 50m Front 2 x KB Carry 25m OH KB Carry...

CrossFit – Tue, Mar 5

CrossFit 5000 - CrossFitStrict PressIn 10 minutes Build across 5 sets of 3 repsMetcon (Time)5 Rounds for Time: 6 Wall Walks 25 Kettlebell Swings RX: 7 Rounds: 10m Handstand Walk 25 Kettlebell Swings 32/24kg...

CrossFit – Mon, Mar 4

CrossFit 5000 - CrossFitFront Squat4 sets to Build 3 Tempo Front Squats 3 secs down, 1 sec Hold in the bottom Immediatley followed by :20 sec side planks each side Rest :60 secs-:90 secs in betweenMetcon (Time)AMRAP 15 minutes 8 Back Squats 12 Ring Dips 100m Run RX: 21-15-9 Back Squat Ring Dips 30-24-18 80/55kg...

CrossFit – Sat, Mar 2

CrossFit 5000 - CrossFitMetcon (Time)Partner ‘Girls’ Smash Share the work between 2 people how ever you wish to complete the following as fast as you can with only one person working at a time 'Karen' 150 Wall Balls ‘Fran’ 21-15-9 Thrusters Pull ups ‘Helen’ 3rds 400m Run 21 Kettlebell Swings 12 Pull ups ‘Grace’ 30 Clean and jerks...