Whatever your fitness goal is in life, know that we at CrossFit 5000 welcome and cater for everyone, regardless of fitness level.

0424 319 887

2/12 McGowan St, Pooraka 5095

Building Fitness For Life

August 2023

CrossFit – Thu, Aug 31

CrossFit 5000 - CrossFitMetcon (4 Rounds for time)Every 10 minutes for 40 minutes 20 Toes to bar or 20 v-ups 25 Deadlifts 30/25 Cal ski/bike (alternate rounds) Rx: Toes to bar 100/70kg Deadlifts Add 50 Double unders...

CrossFit – Wed, Aug 30

CrossFit 5000 - CrossFitThrusterEvery 2:30 for 8 sets 3 Thrusters Followed by :20-:30secs Upside down Wall walk hold or Kick up (only the first 4 sets)Metcon (Time)For Time: 50 AB Mat Sit ups 2km Row Rx: 30 Burpees over the rower 2km Row...

Barbell Class – Wed, Aug 30

CrossFit 5000 - Barbell ClassThrusterEvery 2:30 for 8 sets 3 Thrusters Followed by :20-:30secs Upside down Wall walk hold or Kick up (only the first 4 setsMetcon (Time)For Time: 50 AB Mat Sit ups 2km Row Rx: 30 Burpees over the rower 2km Row...

Barbell Class – Tue, Aug 29

CrossFit 5000 - Barbell ClassHigh-Hang SnatchEvery : 90 sec for 6 sets 2 Hi Hang Snatches -Build in weightHang SnatchEvery : 90 secs for 6 sets 1 SnatchSnatch5 sets of 5 rep Snatch Pulls- Building in weight In 12 minutes build to a 3 Rep Snatch Grip Push Press *Do not...

CrossFit – Tue, Aug 29

CrossFit 5000 - CrossFitMetcon (3 Rounds for reps)12 min Emom Min 1: 1 Set of kipping Pull ups MIn 2: Max Strict Pull ups Min 3: Max Hand Release Push ups Min 4: RestMetcon (Time)3 Rounds for Time: 400m Run 20 Box Jump overs 20 Alternating DB Snatches Rx: 22.5kg/15kg Rx+: 3 rds 400m Run 12 Burpee...

CrossFit – Mon, Aug 28

CrossFit 5000 - CrossFitClean and JerkSpend 6 minutes to build up to 80% Then do 5 sets of 1 rep between 80-90% of 1RM Clean and Jerk Then 3 sets of 2 reps of Clean pulls @ 90-95% of Clean and Jerk 1RMMetcon (6 Rounds for weight)Every...

CrossFit – Fri, Aug 25

CrossFit 5000 - CrossFitMetcon (2 Rounds for reps)5min AMRAP: 30 Burpees Max Cals on Ski Rest 5 mins 5min AMRAP: 50/40 Cal Ski Max Burpees in time remaining RX: 50 BurpeesDumbbell SnatchEvery 2 minute for 14 minutes: 3 Hang DB Snatches ea side -Building in weight...

CrossFit – Thu, Aug 24

CrossFit 5000 - CrossFitOverhead SquatIn 10 minutes build to a today's 2 rep OH Squat *Not here to break records just move through quickly and move weight the feels good. If it doesn't feel great keep it light!Back Squat12 minute build up to day's heavy 3...


Have you ever rocked up to the gym, to find yourself frustrated, sad orĀ  angry? Was it because of an email you received at work or something a work colleague said to you? Was the day unproductive and make you feel like you were getting...