CrossFit 5000 - CrossFitView Public WhiteboardMetcon (3 Rounds for reps)3 x 9mins ON / 1min OFF In teams of 3 on one station at a time, moving on once all teammates have finished 400m Run (Together) into AMRAP of: 25 Wall Ball 12/9kg 8 Clean and Jerks 60/40kg 15 Toes to...
CrossFit 5000 - Barbell ClassView Public WhiteboardSnatchEvery :90 secs for 8 sets 1 Snatch Then 5 mins to Hit a Heavy Snatch for todayClean and JerkEvery :90 secs for 8 sets 1 Clean and Jerk Then 5 mins to Hit a Heavy Clean and Jerk for todayConditioning2 sets: Snatch Wide...
CrossFit 5000 - CrossFitView Public WhiteboardConditioningEvery minute on the minute for 15 minutes: 15 KB SwingsMetcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)15min AMRAP: 100m Farmers Carry 20 Step Ups 30 Push Ups...
CrossFit 5000 - CrossFitView Public WhiteboardHandstand Push-upsEvery 3 minutes for 9 minutes: 5-12 Handstand Push ups 5-20 Pull upsMetcon (5 Rounds for calories)5 rounds :20 secs ON : 3.30 OFF Max Cals in :20 secs...
CrossFit 5000 - CrossFitView Public WhiteboardBack SquatBack Squats Set 1: 5 reps @ 75% Set 2: 3 reps @ 85% Set 3: 1 rep or more @ 95%* If weights don't feel good then stay lighterCrossFit Games Open 11.3 (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)5-Minute AMRAP of: Squat Clean, 165# /...
CrossFit 5000 - CrossFitView Public WhiteboardFloor PressEvery 2 minutes for 4 sets: Station 1: DB Floor Press x 8 reps Station 2: Bent Over Dumbbell Row (with same weight above) x 12 reps Station 3: DB Hanging Knee raisesMetcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)12min AMRAP: 2 Turkish Get ups...
CrossFit 5000 - CrossFitView Public WhiteboardMetcon (2 Rounds for time)Complete 800m Run Rest 3 mins and repeatFight Gone Bad (3 Rounds for reps)Three rounds of: Wall-ball Shots (Reps), 20# Sumo deadlift high-pull (Reps), 75# Box Jumps, 20" (Reps) Push-press (Reps), 75# Row (Calories) 1-minute rest...
CrossFit 5000 - CrossFit SkillsView Public WhiteboardPistolsSPend 12 minute working on Pistols or pistol progressions...
CrossFit 5000 - CrossFitView Public WhiteboardMetcon (Time)In groups of 3 alternating movements until 12 rounds are completed. You can not move forward until someone has completed that station. 200m Ski 10 Power Snatch 10 Burpees...
CrossFit 5000 - Barbell ClassView Public WhiteboardOverhead Squat12 min to Build to a 2 reps Overhead SquatSnatch Balance12 mins to Build to 1 Rep Snatch BalanceStrict Press12 mins to build to a heavy 2 rep Strict PressConditioning3 sets Kettlebell Z Press x 12 reps KB Upright Row...