CrossFit 5000 - CrossFitView Public WhiteboardMetcon (AMRAP - Reps)Moving through each station every :90 secs for 3 rounds each: Station 1: 1 Arm Dumbbell Row x 12 reps per arm Station 2: Dumbbell Bench Press x 12 reps Station 3: weighted v-ups x 15Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and...
CrossFit 5000 - CrossFitView Public WhiteboardSnatchSnatch Pull + Hang Snatch + Overhead Squat 1 rep every 2 minutes for 12 minutesMetcon (AMRAP - Reps)15 min AMRAP 15 Wall balls 10 Toes to bar 5 Squat Snatches...
CrossFit 5000 - CrossFitView Public WhiteboardConditioningEvery minute on the minute for 12 minutes: Min 1: 50 Double unders Min 2: 5-12 Handstand Push ups Min 3: 15 DB Push PressMetcon (Time)For Time: 30-20-10 Double DB Snatch Box Jump overs...
CrossFit 5000 - CrossFitView Public WhiteboardNancy (Time)5 Rounds for time of: 400m Run 15 Overhead Squats, 95# / 65#Back Squat5 x 5 reps @ 75%...
CrossFit 5000 - CrossFitView Public WhiteboardMetcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)25 min AMRAP: In teams of 2 Alternating stations with only one person working at a time 12 Devil Presses 12 Burpee Box Jump overs 400m Run...
CrossFit 5000 - Barbell ClassView Public WhiteboardClean and JerkEvery minute on the minute for 10 minutes: Power Clean and Push Jerk @ 60%Clean and JerkClean Pull Off blocks (at knee) 4 sets of 3 at 75%Front SquatBuild to a dead-stop front squat 1-2 second pause at...
CrossFit 5000 - CrossFitView Public WhiteboardMetcon (Time)0:00-10:00 30 Burpees Over the rower 500m/450m Row 20 Burpees over the Rower 500m/450m Row 10 Burpees over the rower 10:00-15:00 RestMetcon (Time)15:00-30:00 30 Clean and Jerks 500m/450m Row 20 Clean and Jerks 500m/450m Row 10 Clean and Jerks...
CrossFit 5000 - CrossFit SkillsView Public WhiteboardGymnastics3 Sets Bar Kip 'Extreme' Drill 5 Reps with 3 sec hold in positionGymnastics3 Sets Bar Kip Swings x 10 Reps Rest as neededGymnastics2 Sets A) Supinated chin over bar hold x Collect 20 sec Rest 30-60 sec B) Broad Jumps 3 single jumps Rest 10 sec...
CrossFit 5000 - CrossFitView Public WhiteboardGymnasticsEvery minute on the minute for 12 minutes alternating stations: Station 1: 3-12 Strict Pull ups Station 2: 5-12 Ring DipsMetcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)18min AMRAP: 30 Dumbbell Snatches 40 Ab mat sit ups 50 Double Unders...
CrossFit 5000 - CrossFitView Public WhiteboardSplit JerkEvery minute on the minute for 8 minutes: 1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk @ 65%Metcon (5 Rounds for reps)5 Rounds :90 secs ON : 90 secs OFF 300m/250m Row Max Front Rack Reverse Lunges in time remaining 60/40kg...