CrossFit 5000 - CrossFitConditioningEvery 90 seconds, for 18 minutes (3 sets of each): Station 1 – Rolling Pistol or Roll to Candlestick x 10 reps Station 2 – 30 seconds for Max Reps of Strict Handstand Push-Ups or 5-second Eccentric Descent Handstand Push-Ups Station 3 – 60 seconds...
CrossFit 5000 - CrossFitConditioningFour sets of: Box Step-Ups x 8 reps each leg Rest 60 seconds Single-Arm Dumbbell/Kettlebell Row x 6-8 reps each arm Rest 60 seconds *box step overs- choose a weight and height of box which allows you to drive through the heel of your leading leg so...
CrossFit 5000 - CrossFitPOWER CLEAN + CLEANEvery two minutes, for 12 minutes: Power Clean + Squat Clean 6x 1+1 Building weight as you go. * focus on fast elbowsMetcon (Time)RowItUpFive rounds for time: Row 300 Meters 12 Front Squats (95/65 lbs) 12 Pull-Ups...
CrossFit 5000 - CrossFitStrict PressEvery 3 minutes for 15mins (5 sets) 5x5reps Strict Barbell or Dumbbell presses *use remaining time of the 3mins to work hip and calf mobilityConditioningEvery 90 seconds, for 15 minutes (10 sets): 5 Push Presses 8 Burpees Over the Barbell *Choose a weight that CHALLENGE you...
CrossFit 5000 - CrossFit SkillsHandstand Push-ups (15mins)Spend 15mins working HSPU or being inverted.GymnasticsEvery 2 minute on the minute for 14mins: Chest To Bar Pull-UpsConditioning4 Sets of 20 V-Tucks...
CrossFit 5000 - CrossFitMetcon (AMRAP - Rounds)In teams of two, alternating complete rounds, complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 25 minutes of: 100 Meter Farmer’s Carry (32/24 kg kettlebells) 10 Jumping Air Squats 10 Jumping Split LungesMobilityQuads and Calf smash...
CrossFit 5000 - Barbell ClassSnatch Push Press + OHSSnatch grip push press + 3 Overhead Squats w/ 3 second pause at the bottom Max of 80% Snatch 1RMHigh-Hang SnatchSet 1: 3 reps @ 60% Set 2: 3 reps @65% Set 3: 3 reps @ 70% Set 4: 3 reps...
CrossFit 5000 - CrossFitOverhead Squat5 Sets of 5 reps (65-75%) with a pause at the bottom. Rest as needed.Metcon (Time)C&JForTimeFor Time: 10-8-6-4-2 Clean & Jerk (60/40kg) 200m Run between each set...
CrossFit 5000 - CrossFitToday is the day we have been building for...
CrossFit 5000 - CrossFitConditioningEvery minute, on the minute, for 15 minutes: Minute 1 – 40 Double-Unders Minute 2 – 6-8 Strict L-Seated Ring Pull-Ups Minute 3 – 3-4 Wall WalksMetcon (4 Rounds for reps)Four sets for max reps against a 3-minute running clock of: Run 100 Meters 10 Toes to...